Newsletter 2014

All are newsletters only let you know how good our lives are... Living such lives is very pleasant, but it is slightly boring to read about it. This year there is a short version:

Family: Still four, and the same usual four.
House: The house still stands, slightly improved as every year, but still with lots of potential.
Employment: Same as usual for Carl (Axis) and Kersti (PHI).
School: Both children still attend Tunaskolan.

A fantastic South African experience, an Easter trip to Lübeck, a road trip to eastern Sweden 

and an autumn weekend in Prague

Pets: Unfortunately our beautiful guinea pig Tarzan has moved on to greener pastures. He was seven years old. Our newest pet is a wooden giraffe named Effie who lives in the garden.

For those of you who still have some patience left for our pleasant life: The home improvements last summer needed scaffolding. Building the scaffold required four strong men and lots of beer. The end result was good. All the roof tiles were still there after the autumn and winter storms.

A somewhat less demanding home improvement was to remodel the lego room into a computer room. We realized the need for a large number of chairs as well as table space as almost every underage visitor brings his or her own computer. The room is mostly used for Minecraft, but we have tried software programming. Unfortunately it is not easy to find suitable material for 10-12 year olds.

The level of success when it comes to holidays is measured by the number of drinks the children drink in different hotel bars. (Non-alcoholic drinks of course! We are actually responsible parents, at least sometimes). The winner so far is South Africa. We stayed in a hotel in Cape Town which has a roof bar with a swimming pool. It was beautiful! Then we tried the drinks a Thanda game reserve. They were served with a beautiful sunset and gracefully dignified giraffes. Lübeck was also pretty good with nice drinks beautiful old buildings and freshly mad marzipan. They even had a Warhammer shop! The road home from Lübeck passes Bordershop where Swedish tourist buy 24 cans of beer for the same amount of money as one beer in a restaurant in Sweden. If everybody in a car cooperates, it is possible to fit in lots of beer…

The summer in eastern Sweden and the weekend in Prague also allowed for good eating and drinking and beautiful nature and beautiful buildings. We realized that Norway is actually even more expensive than Sweden when it comes to alcoholic beverages. Three bottles of beer cost 200 SEK.

Axel has grown up. Early in the spring he out grew Kersti, and late this autumn he was taller than Carl. He is very organized, and keeps track of all necessary things like home work, dates and time tables. Right now his main interest is computers, computers and computers. He also likes cooking, baking and annoying Johan. So far he has not understood that he is supposed to be a surly teenager. Instead he is a warm, considerate young man. We must have done something wrong with our parenting.

Johan´s year has been eventful. He broke his arm, he got braces (very small) and glasses and he got diagnosed with wheat allergy. His main interest is computers, computers and computers. He also likes eating food, eating cookies and cakes and annoying Axel.

Our life moves in the same tracks all the time now, but they are very nice tracks, and we enjoy them, we enjoy life and we enjoy all our friends.

Carl/Cacke, Kersti, Axel och Johan.


Latest update: March 7, 2016